When it comes to tiding over your financial situation, a payday loan can prove to be essential. A payday loan is a short term personal loan, in essence, referred to simply as a salary advance loan, or a cash advance. There isn’t much paperwork needed, making it one of the fastest ways that anybody can obtain a quick cash loan. You can use that cash towards any financial problem you have.
If you’re in financial distress, then fret not, a payday loan can get you sorted! Here is a list of licensed moneylenders in Singapore offering payday loan to aid your financial situation.
1. Orange Credit
Whether you’re looking for reliable cash loans or quick cash loans, Orange Credit is your financial partner. Their first step in helping your financial distress is to understand what your problem is, and how they can aid you in fixing it. Thanks to their wide range of loans, Orange Credit remains one of Singapore’s most trusted licensed moneylenders that puts you first.
Orange Credit’s range of loans, including the payday loan, goes to show the extent of the helping hand that they are ready to provide for their clients. They offer property bridging loans, personal loans and much more when it comes to unforeseen financial emergencies, or during unexpected occurrences. Orange Credit assures that the process of moneylending is a smooth one. You can always arrange for an appointment in advance before you head on down to their office in Geylang. Dedicated to helping you all of the way through, Orange Credit is your financial expert!
Reg No.: 201022574G
Website: https://orangecredit.com.sg
Contact Number: +65 6748 2320
Address: City Plaza, 810 Geylang Road, #01-91, Singapore 409286
Operating Hours: Mon-Fri 11AM-8PM | Sat 11AM-3PM | Closed on Sun & PH
2. Capital Fund Investments
As your financial friend in need, Capital Fund Investments (CFI) seeks to offer you financial stability and safety for the next step of your life. They understand that in today’s economic climate, securing a line of cash or credit can be extremely difficult. With their accredited history in providing quick cash loans to those in need, CFI remains one of Singapore’s premier licensed moneylenders.
While CFI offers payday loans to give you cash in advance, they also provide personal loans, debt consolidation loans and much more, granting you a stable financial future in the short-term. No matter what your requirements might be, CFI’s flexible, responsible and easy cash solutions offer you a fix to your cash-flow needs. To get started, simply head down to their office, fill up the loan application form and sit down with their experienced loan officers. Make Capital Fund Investments the solution to your financial problems and let them help you overcome any unexpected expenses.
Reg No.: 201837323D
Website: https://www.loancfi.com.sg
Contact Number: +65 6281 7736
Address: Hola Centre, 65 Ubi Crescent, #06-07, Singapore 408559
3. Aero Credit Pte Ltd
Located within City Plaza on Geylang Road, Aero Credit is ready to solve any financial problems you have with utmost flexibility, service, confidentiality and courtesy. As one of Singapore’s more capable and reputable moneylenders, Aero Credit offers you an online enquiry to ensure if you are eligible for a loan.
Their services range from business loans to payday loans, offering financial solutions to meet your unique requirements. In today’s fast-paced urban environment, Aero Credit understands how individuals and businesses are caught in unexpected financial issues. While providing loans are their forte, Aero Credit also spends time understanding your financial plight, offering professional advice to solve your issue. From their instant payday loans to personal loans, Aero Credit can easily check your credit rating and employment terms and provide quick loans that way. No matter what the concerns may be, Aero Credit ensures that every individual is able to receive their required loans on time.
Reg No.: 201020264H
Website: https://www.aerocredit.com.sg
Contact Number: +65 6256 6319
Address: City Plaza, 810 Geylang Road, #02-15, Singapore 409286
Operating Hours: Mon-Fri 11AM-8PM | Sat 11AM-3PM | Closed on Sun & PH
4. MM Credit Pte Ltd
Taking your credit into their hands, MM Credit Pte Ltd aims to provide legal financial loans for individuals and businesses in Singapore. Their mission is simple: to provide every customer the quickest and best short-term loan solutions possible. From payday loans and personal loans to private housing loans and foreigner loans, MM Credit provides the best financial solution to solve your financial needs!
In order to aid you with the best financial service possible, MM Credit seeks to provide simply more than just temporary solutions. They also offer up financial related articles to ensure that you can learn money management tips and regain control of your financial life. Take their online application down to their office in Bedok North and ensure that you will receive quick access to the loans that you require for your financial situation. With cash loans available in under 48 hours, MM Credit has their doors always opened just for you.
Reg No.: 201330500C
Website: https://mmcredit.com.sg
Contact Number: +65 6226 2207
Address: Blk 217, Bedok North Street 1, #01-63, Singapore 460217
Operating Hours: Mon-Fri 12PM-8PM | Sat 12PM-4PM | Closed on Sun & PH
5. BTB Creditz Pte Ltd
As a licensed moneylender, BTB Creditz first opened their business in 2010 before being incorporated to Private Limited by 2016. You’ll find BTB Creditz within City Plaza, where this 18-storey property ensures you’ll get your fair share of fashion and food. They can offer you urgent loans without having to head down the illegal loan route and ensure that your loan can be approved despite a less-than-stellar credit history.
From debt consolidation loans to payday loans, BTB Creditz understand just how crucial loans can be. As such, they seek to offer loan requirements that are stringent, with fast cash loans that are convenient, flexible and secure altogether. BTB Creditz aims to be more than just legal moneylenders to you, they look to offer the best possible rates and remain flexible for repayment terms. Striving to bring an efficient credit solution for your financial woes, BTB Creditz is the distinguished moneylender for your urgent financial needs.
Reg No.: 201633307H
Website: https://btbcredit.com
Contact Number: +65 6748 4874
Address: City Plaza, 810 Geylang Road, #01-05/14, Singapore 409286
Operating Hours: Mon-Sat 11AM-7:30PM | Sun 11:30AM-6PM