
What You Should Know Before Purchasing A Shoe Cabinet In SG

Shoe Cabinet Singapore

A shoe cabinet is an essential part of your home, especially if you or your partner has an extensive shoe collection. While built-in shoe cabinets are the best option for many homeowners, there are a few important things to take note before making such a purchase.

If you’re looking to buy a new shoe cabinet for all of your shoes, then here are the key things you need to know.

1. Understand storage needs

Before making your purchase, you should consider the space that you have in your home, as well as the number of shoes that you currently own. For instance, if you have limited space in your house for a simple shoe cabinet, then you should be creative with where you place it. A built-in shoe cabinet offers plenty of great ideas that can help you save space while opening up ways for even more storage.

One such example is walls or places around your house where they can be integrated.  You can have your built-in shoe cabinet underneath steps, platforms or beds, paving the way for extra storage without sacrificing space in your home.

2. Seek proper ventilation

When we put shoes in isolated areas such as in drawers or cabinets, they can generate odours and make your shoes look older than they really are. With proper ventilation, you can eliminate these odours and potentially continue to keep your shoes looking brand new for a long time. You also don’t have to worry about constantly taking your shoes out to air as they have the proper ventilation they require.

A few ways you can ensure proper ventilation is to opt for an open shelf style or look for creative ways to add in holes in your built-in shoe cabinet. As each shoe is crafted with a different material, ventilation is vital to give your shoes the care that they require.

3. Choosing colour & functionality

Is your house fitted with wallpapers? Are there specific styles or themes to your house? If so, choosing the right colour can help your shoe cabinet blend into the walls and your home themes. However, you should also look towards finding the proper functionality for your shoe cabinet. This includes additional utility purposes, such as ventilation, wheels, and many others so that they are the perfect balance of looking good with great functionality.

It is best to identify what you are looking for, and how the shoe cabinet’s function and features can work well with each other for your home and your shoes.

4. Budget

A beautiful shoe cabinet that functions well doesn’t come cheap, especially if you are looking to design a built-in shoe cabinet. This is where budget is important as purchasing or designing a built-in shoe cabinet is extremely costly. If you are looking to make that leap, then there are several financial options available for you.

You can seek loans such as an easy cash loan from credible and reputable licensed moneylenders in Singapore. They also offer a wide variety of loans that are suited to your situation, with low-interest rates and the option to choose the length of your loan tenure.

Licensed moneylenders also take a look at their customer’s financial backgrounds, offering loans that they require to help them with their situation. For instance, if you require additional financial help, you can get a consolidation loan from a single lender. That lender will pay off your existing debt and loan, and you will only have to make monthly repayments at a lower cost to the single lender. Doing so can bring you one step closer towards financial freedom and help you achieve your dreams of a home makeover!